Content Inc. – 2nd Edition. My thoughts… (and I have many).

Joe Pulizzi just came out with the second edition of his book, Content Inc. and I have dogears, bookmarks, scribbles and doodles. Yes… it’s just THAT good. I realized after I started reading this, that I would be doing myself a great disservice if I rushed through this book. So I just didn’t. I’m only halfway through it and already see this one is going to be one to read and work through several times.
Create (the right) content. Build a following. Find radical success.
Sounds easy enough. A lot of folks talk the talk. But most businesses do the opposite. They have a product or service that they want to talk a lot about, and decide to go create a mountain of content that THEY think is valuable.
My favorite quote so far:
“…any company, anywhere in the world can copy everything about what you as a company do, except for one thing – how you communicate. The way we communicate with our prospects and customers is the one remaining way we can actually be different.”
Joe Pulizzi
Brilliant and true.
Another concept Joe goes into is something called the “Content Tilt .” This is perhaps the most critical section of this book.
Who should read this book?
ENTREPRENEURS: this will speak to your soul. Joe speaks your language. He’s the godfather of content marketing, but he is an absolute entrepreneur at heart as well. A successful one at that.
STARTUPS: No matter how mature your startup is, content should be at the core of what you do, so start while your company is young. This should be something that’s the fabric of your being. Don’t think that you need to wait to get big to make content part of your strategy. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Embrace your inner David with content and you’ll defeat Goliaths (and then some).
SMALL BUSINESS LEADERS: If you’re struggling… putting content first can absolutely be the #1 thing that turns you around.
MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESS LEADERS: If you’re ready to grow exponentially, following the Content Inc. model could launch you into the stratosphere — IF you have the fortitude.
ENTERPRISE BUSINESSES: If you have the authority to affect the marketing plan and affect how content is created and how the content strategy is formed within your organization, refresh yourself with this book. It will really help you reinvigorate your program. Even if you feel like all cylinders are firing, Content Inc. will reignite your passion for content. Or help you find it all together. A phrase I like to use with our enterprise business is “you’ve got to be nimble, you’ve got to be quick.” I believe Joe encourages that nimble and quick attitude with Content Inc.
CONTENT CREATORS: Content has been king. That has been a phrase that we’ve all heard over the years, but it doesn’t mean that it’s viable in terms of building a business. This book changes that and speaks to that. Go learn how to monetize what you love.
Joe has also launched a site, a movement, an organization called Can’t wait to follow The Tilt and learn more as things develop.